Sunday, April 8, 2012


Milestones milestones milestones!  That's something parents seem to talk about all the time.  So what are they?  Well according to Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary a milestone is "a significant point in development."

To us milestones aren't anything specific, rather, they are just noteworthy events, the kind of things we think we'll remember and reflect on later.  Well Alexi sure did hit one of those this past weekend, when she met her first friend who also rocks some awesome designer genes!  I'm pretty confident this was the best milestone yet, because we all had a blast!

Alexi not only got to meet Sydney (19 months), who we met through, but also got to meet Peyton (almost 3), Tommy (5), Melanie (61 according to Tommy), and Tom.  (Sorry Melanie but I couldn't resist!)  It's pretty obvious that Tom and Melanie share our love for our children and are some pretty awesome people too.  The entire day just reeked of positivity and joy.  

Although I think I spent most of my time playing with Tommy and Peyton, I absolutely love Sydney.  She is so inspiring!  This little girl's coordination and fine motor skills are simply outstanding.  What a good friend for Alexi to have!  Alexi would watch her and you could see Alexi wanted to get up and go, too.

So playing with the Wards was an amazing milestone to us, and Alexi is lucky to have such awesome new friends.   Another great milestone Alexi hit in the past week was drinking through a straw!  It all started with sort of a joke.  Mom was drinking through a straw and Alexi kept reaching for it.  Kerith let her play with it since she has never drank from a straw before, and almost instantly you could see the drink go right up the straw!  Kerith had to quickly take it away, as it was a frozen cappuccino!  Don't worry it barely touched Alexi's mouth, but she sure wanted more!  She must get that from her mother.  We gave Alexi her new juice cup with a straw thing that we got to her begin teaching, and she took right to it.  She now holds it in her hands and drinks her juice when she gets thirsty.

So maybe our opinion of what to consider milestones isn't "typical," but it sure is fun!  We love celebrating and stepping back to appreciate every significant point in our development as a family. 

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