Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Hey hey boo boo" or Alexi see's a bear!!

Holy wow has this spring been busy!  We've been workin' hard in therapy, fighting a crazy stomach bug, swimming, camping, bear spotting, and working!

It's hard to believe it's not even June yet.  Alexi has been working very hard toward crawling and for the first time we are seeing her take a bit longer to accomplish a goal.  It's a little bit of a reminder that progression has a different schedule in this household than in some others.  We are seeing other kids her age crawling, and working on walking.  It's kind of a reality check in ways.

 Until now, we knew she was going to progress at her own pace, but considering that she was early and has a disability, her "pace" was so impressive that it kinda slipped our minds.  You see, she's so darn cute that there's nothing "different" about her in our eyes.  It's weird, to be able to talk about something (DS) to so many people every day of our lives, and yet forget about it at the same time.  It's really something I just can't explain.

I've always thought parents were crazy for complaining that their children grew up too fast.  I mean heck, I always thought the sooner they get older, the sooner they have fun toys, or the sooner they can cut the grass!  I can now appreciate where these parents are coming from and feel a bit lucky that Alexi is hanging on to each stage a little bit longer.

So no, she didn't reach Dad's goal of walking by 10 months (which was set before we knew she was going to be born 10 weeks early or has DS,) but she is making us some of the happiest parents in the world.  Who wouldn't love to have this cute baby stay "a baby" just a bit longer???
And I can't talk about progression without celebrating how well she's doing in other areas.  She is doing GREAT with her eating and is seeming to understand some words and signs!  She is definitely learning how to "work those eyes" to get dad to do just about whatever she wants, too.  Can't say I'm proud of that, but you try and resist...It's hard!

 Okay so enough about all that stuff, lets get to the bear!  Alexi went on her first real camping trip this past weekend and loved it!  She was checkin everything out and havin a great time hanging out with some new people.  We hadn't been there long when I heard mom yell over to me, "Kevin! Bear!!"  This was not followed by "HELP!!" yet was followed instead by, "Get the camera!!!"

I grabbed the camera from the tent and came running.  I didn't even make it over to where they were sitting by the time "Uncle Paul" came over with his quad and told me to jump on.  The bear had wondered off so we rode up ahead of his path and stopped to wait for him.  Sure enough he came within about 20 feet of me when I was ducked behind a log pile.  That was AWESOME.  It was the closest I've ever been to a bear, heck it was the first time I ever saw one in the wild.

I waited 29 years to see one in person, Alexi got to see one in just 10 months!!  It sure was exciting but we were aware of the danger as well.  Alexi was in good hands with people who are very familiar with the wildlife in the area and the bear wasn't the only one at camp expressing his right to "bear arms."

  (For entertainment purposes only, no political statement intended.)


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