Tuesday, June 19, 2012

This Wonderful Child

Well, it's no secret and I feel like a broken record, but this season has been super packed with work for the family business.  Busy is good but means less time to type, I mean I could be typing more, but that's time that I am not playing with Alexi, so I'm sure you all understand where my priorities have fallen!

The lack of updates is certainly not due to a lack of progress!  This sweet little girl is amazing us day after day.  She is becoming so much more vocal and active as well.  This morning we let her play with the TV remote and it was so funny the way she handled it.  She would press a button, then look at the TV to see what it did!  I was super impressed that she made the connection, but even more impressed by what she did next.

We had the news on and all of a sudden it paused.  I jokingly told my wife that we had to stop talking because Alexi paused the TV until we were done talking over it.  No sooner than I said that, did Alexi rewind the news and replayed the last segment, which contained a library.  This was hilarious to us as Alexi LOVES books, possibly more than any other toys.  Too cute, right?

So I went back to working on emails and Kerith went back to making lunches, then we realized the TV was on some cartoon we had never seen before!  Haha, it was too cute not to share.  This girl is a genius!  (We're not crazy, we know it was all just coincidence, but it sure was a fortunately hilarious sequence of events!)

I got no photos, but I have a rule for these entries, all of them must have a picture!  So today I'll share with you one of our favorites from our photo shoot with Alexi in the backyard this weekend.  Enjoy.


1 comment:

  1. She is adorable! That is one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen!
